This information about the benefits of Park and Recreation in communities is worth repeating.

Queen City Blog

Newly released studies reveal compelling evidence for the benefits of Parks and Recreation.  Our Mothership, The National Recreation and Park Association(NRPA Magazine – December 2010) has released the findings of five new studies regarding the merits and benefits provided by parks both local and national as well as advantages and positive effects gained through community recreation programming.  The cited benefits; local economic impact, improved health due to providing programs and places for physical activity, youth and adolescent development, Green environments creating healthy social behavior and less social dysfunction as well as  improved air quality via urban trees.  The Studies were conducted through Penn State University, the University of Illinois, the USDA Forest Service and Texas A & M University.

I will nutshell the findings of each study below and provide a link to the actual study for those who are interested.

Study #1

Measuring the…

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